Some helpful tips to avoid online fraud and ways to deal with it

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With the proliferation of lots and lots of cases of fraud and fraud over the Internet, the working group to prepare a comprehensive guide to avoid the ways and methods of fraud, and we review with you on ways to avoid fraud and to deal with. And methods of detecting cheaters and get to know them, we'll show you today
Some helpful tips to avoid fraud and ways to deal with it

And in the following points:
1. Ask him an email officially


Some helpful tips to avoid online fraud and ways to deal with it

Yes, do not deal with any free emails such as Yahoo and Hotmail, if you received any messages from these sources would prefer to ignore, if the other party is a company or point of what you should message you from Emile continued to the company website, the most well-known companies make to their employees dedicated to correspondence official emails, the new security updates pursued by most e-mail services companies is available by property detecting counterfeit or messages that use fake addresses, which reduces the chances of online fraud.
2. Do not use a quick remittances

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Some helpful tips to avoid online fraud and ways to deal with it

In order to prevent the risk of fraud, always not to transfer any funds via the motorway and conversion such as banks, Western Union and others, especially if you send money to people you do not know enough, most of the scammers usually are getting help in these ways do not even give you the opportunity to retrieve it, so It is a precaution prefers not to use this method only with people you trust only.
3. Ask a sudden questions

أسئلة مفاجئة

We explained in the previous article that most fraudsters deliberately narrow things so as not to give an opportunity to think, or to investigate the matter, but most scammers big weakness point is that the other person by asking a sudden questions or confusing are outside expectations or were not in the pre account the, so find reactions in this situation it is tense and intense confusion has been fabricating some excuses, because the scammer usually be scared, so things like this make it easier than being exposed.
4. Request a sample first

If you are a trader and you buy some products online, you must request a sample first from the seller to make sure of the extent of product quality, because in a lot of commercial operations by some buyers to purchase quality products is poor or not conform to the specifications, especially with imports from some countries , making them a victim of online fraud.
5. Use credit cards as much as possible

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Some helpful tips to avoid online fraud and ways to deal with it

Cards prepaid debit cards from a major drawback is that when you do make a purchase is the payment directly from the card discount, which can not be the person to recover his money if it was a scam, while credit cards are credit cards take some time, and displays these acquisitions on the person later for approval them, and of course if it was a scam or stolen data can cancel these operations later, so it is preferred for the prevention of fraudulent use of credit cards from the city or paid operations.
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6. Make sure you deal with the communication link and accuracy


Pages related to the operations of registration or financial statements always use a secure connection (https: //) and usually find green lock mark before the page address, which confirms that the contact with this site is encrypted and safe and does not allow any third party to look at it, too, you can be sure the authenticity of the pages that deal with the links, a lot of fraud is done by sending links to fake phishing pages or pages are not safe, enabling it to steal personal data (see Part I).
7. Check the authenticity of the documents

The other person to send letters or an image survey of identity card or passport or other documents does not mean that it has become the more trusted, these images easy warping, absolutely certain can not be done by only the experts, but the average user can know the falsity of these documents by checking their quality sometimes the lack of a person who adjusts the picture may leave errors or defects experience, most scammers use pictures of inferior quality or the jamming, and preferably also scrutinize the data because some counterfeiters are leaving naive errors such as incompatibility date date AD with AH, or the image inappropriate with the age of the person and the other, the question of sending constancy papers generally do not represent a full 100% guarantee because it should make sure that the rest of the points.
8. Use a Broker sites

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There are many sites are the guarantor role between the seller and the buyer, for example, site Alibaba for business operations, there are sites such as "independent" as a mediator in the services that are online, these sites do not usually hand over the money only after the deal ends properly, making it way good to avoid scams online.
One last tip

Operations General fraud occur as a result of inducements or excessive ambition or greed, which make people accept them without awareness, or forget the simplest verification and safety rules, making it likely to fall into this trap, reservists and awareness alone will guarantee the prevention of most cases of fraud, Vamahtal usually fluent choose its victims are always looking for a citizen of their weakness, and 99% of those who have been exposed to such situations over the Internet was due to the negligence or fault did not pay attention to him, so do not need to make fraud cases and monuments scattered reason prevents you from enjoying the Internet, there are millions of people conducting millions of financial transactions and the transfer of data without any problems, you just have to be careful even better.