Get rid of shortcuts virus (converted files to raccourci) and retrieve files

Shortcut Virus

In some cases, be surprised that our own files on the hard drives and flash memory suddenly disappeared and appeared instead shortcuts, this is due to the presence of virus hides files and create shortcuts instead of them, this virus is known as Shortcut Virus is spread dramatically.

In this issue we will learn how to get rid of this virus from your computer and that means manual or via software assistance: -

Manual methods

    Flash examination by anti-viruses in order to ensure the elimination of viruses and ensure non-proliferation.
    Open a command prompt Command Prompt as manager and that by pressing the buttons (Windows + R), and then type the command (cmd) and choose Run as administrator.

    Will pop you a command prompt.
    You must type the command

attrib -h -r -s / s / d D: *. *

    Of course, you should replace your disks D engines have Flash.

Shortcut Virus Fixer.

Here the original files will appear and will be converted shortcuts to files Basic files, you must delete the files exotic, preferably that you copy your files on the computer task and work Tuning of flash memory and re-copy the files on them.

 Use the software:

There are many programs that help users get rid of the virus abbreviations, namely: -

This virus also works in the "Task manager Task Manager" where you must go and make sure he does not exist and if it exists must be done Kill him, and to do so:

    Open taskmanager or Task Manager, and then by clicking on the buttons (Windows + R), and then type the command taskmgr.
    Choose "the Process Operations" tab, it is to be open by default.
    Find "wscript.vbs".
    Choose the virus and then click on the "finish the job - End task".