html coding basics - html coding for website

html coding basics - html coding for website

How to Make a Star in HTML Coding

html coding

html coding basics - html coding for website, html basics, html coding

HyperText nomenclature (HTML) uses the yank normal Code for info Interchange (ASCII) list to increase shapes and symbols on an internet page. The list will show something from letters and numbers to fractions and punctuation marks and is supported in internet browsers. It permits you to form straightforward or elaborate stars, like Associate in Nursing asterisk or larger star symbols. Stars area unit a handy thanks to build a district of your website additional distinguished.

Open the HTML file you would like to change in an exceedingly text editor, like pad of paper, TextPad or WordPad. To open the HTML file, click "File" and "Open" from the menu and double-click itwithin the window.

Place your pointer wherever the star (asterisk) goes.

Type the asterisk image on your keyboard higher than the "8" to form a straightforward star. To use the star graphic symbol, kind "*" (without the quotes) instead.

Insert "★" (without the quotes) to form a black star image on your website.
Add "☆" (without the quotes) to form a white star image.

Html Coding Basics - Html Basics

Html Coding Basics

Html Basics

html coding basics - html coding for website

Today we will address first lessons to learn html and will speak in this lesson for html and how they work

Dear Student language of html of easy is very GATT which is uncomplicated and easy to use and learn good if you are a student, beginning and want to learn, you have to understand what are html and where to use you now if you entered to the site of an example site educational school of the future will notice that the school in which a component of the design picture The colors,

 fonts and side menus these are all the work by html any sense that html is structural or structure of the site, or like the one shown there is something else you have to understand a css considered css something complementary to html because he css responsible for colors, fonts, meaning it is responsible for the design aesthetic but Akod css be separated from the codes html css from Dan now will talk about and learn html after that session,

 God willing, now go back to html will now speak for all special marking in the html continued with me .... you are what you see now, the web page will see them made up of Heder (headr) and page body (body) and footer (footer) now we address the special coding in html page first thing you should start marking your html page to open html and writes like this:
Continued with me the following code:
<html> // 1
<head> // 2
<title>Title in page (here) </title> // 3
</head> // 4
<body> // 5
</body> // 6
</html> // 7
Code showing you how to write each name on the page html continued
Number 1 in the code is the beginning of the html tag any page Bmana he told us browser that this page contains the codes belonging to the page html either No. 7 is the closing html tag most of the accolades html the beginning of the marking and the closure of the marking also worked at the beginning of writing html to see the code and follow the figures 1 and 7 Tayyip after what we wrote marking the beginning and closing html page there are other things it must be typed,

 a head and the title and the body will be talking about the head and continued in the code numbers 2 and 4, if the notes Dear student marking head consists of opening and closing the opening in the No. 2 and shutdown in figure 4 ok now we will learn about the marking head this tag in which codes meta meta, a user meta variable coding and encoding and orders css the style and title page address.

Now explain to each and every one of them: meta: -
In marking head meta there are developed and will explain to you the important thing where a user meta variable and most importantly in the user meta variable is the description and keywords continued with me

For a description they are responsible for your description on the site, such as I have a page I put the lessons of this page I want to give her a description of the piece will be used description for the position description for the page, but this description does not appear in front of the visiting or browsing the page, but this description will be important to the search engines any in the sense that we have job description for the search engines to recognize the page was this description by description and how to write meta meta description code to be that way
<meta name="description" content="Description in page (here)" />
Explain the code meta description: I spoke earlier of the opening and closing knew Dear student he codes meta Kmalk where the opening and closing but differ in one thing Akod meta a good shutdown How different will explain to you the difference when we talked about opening and closing html tag we are this way
<html> // open
</html> // close  
But meta codes differ from html in the opening and closing was closed only in this way
I do not want to prolong you a lesson, but I'm trying to explain to you in detail even understand the benefit of the code and the method of writing complete studied here knew meta and told us html that this marking meta either name is the name or meta-line and content type is the content or the content of this meta good as we knew meta name description for any means that this is the meta description and in the recent closure, which follows
Ok we have another meta name keywords which words semantic and look like this
<meta name="keywords" content="Keyword in page (here)" />
This meta way of writing is the same way of writing the meta description but your name is the name keywords which means that he told us that he html meta This is especially in the Keywords and there is a difference between the description and Keywords Ok now we move on to something else which is encoding continued with me ...

encoding is the encoding of a kind of meta and is very important in a special html pages to get to know more on the encoding

encoding is encoded page Tayyip How do you mean encoding page I Acolk how the page you are to where you write the Arabic language you need to define or coding called encoding this encoding you have to put it and the reason is even talking problems in language or writing contained page for the encoding codec there are more than type, and types of coding windows-1256, a so-called arabic windows and encoding iso-8859-2, a so-called ISO coding utf-8 Other types of coding, but you are not forced you learn or recognize all Tayyip What is the best codec encoding Dear student better encoding for the pages is utf-8 encoding very cool because he works with you without any problems, especially with the Arabic language and way of writing are as follows:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
It will only be important to explain to you in a content code and charset
Dear Student notes if that content value is text / html This means we know the coding html page and I said what are you content or content which is secured either charset They coding type, even notes codec that has been developed is utf-8 type

For the meta starters only you know the only description and keywords and encoding Bmana not he just these kinds of meta there are other types we will address them in other classes, but this meta that we talked about as something that is essential in the html pages.

Now move on to the title writes marking marking title in this form
Marking title takes the title of the page, such as I have specialized in learning html page lessons and want to give to this page name will put your name in the page title and was named the care of the form
<title>title in page (here)</title> 
 Dear Student You learned far the most important codes that are placed in the head which open and close the head On and on inside them meta which consist of a description, a page description and keywords Keywords for the page and encoding page coding,

 and title is the title page of these codes meta all placed inside and som head a not appear to visitors who browse the page but are only defined for the page and the browser and search engines, which appears in the page only is the title a special title page either coding, description and keywords to not appear on the page remained something else is placed inside and som head, a style that will recognize it in the css that cycle wills God.

In the last head code we have now are as follows:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Description in page (here)" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Keyword in page (here)" />
<title<Title in Page (here)</title>
Now we will move on to the so-called body continued the following code:
<body> <body/>
Marking body have their page content Tayyip what content page ?? Page Content Dear Student is what you see when you enter the page, a header header and side menus list, center and this goes back by distributing the design in addition to the footer footer, a footer, which is often the site is added rights to the piece Dear student you may have to put even one word under the body and give format such as Elon and font size,

and orientation of the text and is the piece you are not obliged to just put tables and others in the body and, God willing, this will be in the next lessons God willing, God willing, will be a professional in the html Tayyip stayed our last thing until we finish the lesson the first is an extension Dear files student when you want to save a file from html type you have to put your extension in which either html or htm these are special extensions in the file html and this condition you have to do,

 do it is when you back page of type html must have extension Special where either html or htm here ends the first studied a series of lessons to learn html and sorry for stretching, but I want to, I announce to you every nook and cranny and in detail, and, God willing, be the explanation is easy and smooth and even understand more see the lesson more than once and drizzled with each lesson and try to move away all copies of the codes was adopted on yourself until you learn is right and in the latter will give you a full html page Code Review

Continued the following code:

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Description in page (here" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Keywords in page (here" />
Welcome Blog Code Site</body>
 Here ends this lesson, God willing, be easy on you and what this lesson to the beginning of the access to the html Coming in the next lesson that God
